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12 months ago we set out on a mission to improve the lives of Email Marketers everywhere by creating a service that specifically sought to improve email quality and conversion rates. We saw a gap in the market for Email Preview Solutions; and since then we have been providing a quality email design preview and spam testing service that goes the extra mile for all our clients! Today we are happy to announce that our online service has drawn up some great ideas for Email Marketing improvements that will increase recipient’s engagement and leave you that little bit better off. Read on for our top five tips for getting the most from Email Marketing!

#1 Analytics, analytics, analytics!

When dealing with email marketing and recipient engagement the very first thing you need to do is look at the Email Analytics and see what they are telling you. This takes time and effort (unless you are using Email Preview Solutions’ special format, of course!) but it will provide you with specifics at which you can target your products. For instance, based on the geo-location detections, you can run much-targeted email campaigns to recipients who have opened your email in New York state.  Another great example is check on recipients engagement based on the open duration. You can target auditory of those who have kept your email open for more than 5 seconds.

#2 Engage in Email Testing!

Before you send that mass email to thousands of potential clients – test it out first. You can send the email to your colleagues or to a cross-section of clients instead or you can forget about such hustle and use our service to test it out for you. If you create a mass mail that simply doesn’t get the engagement out of your test audience then you know not to send it.

#3 And Email Previewing!

Every Email needs to be previewed from a fresh set of eyes. Even if that means sending it to a colleague for review or just having a second opinion from the janitor – the point is that you test the email out on someone so that they can spy any mistakes you might have made.

#4 Spam testing is essential!

Spam testing is the ideal way to make sure that your Email Marketing project doesn’t get placed straight into the junk mail folder and dismissed. With a little professional guidance and a lot of know how the Email Preview Solutions team can help you through the spam testing process so that you never end up making an irreversible mistake at a crucial time!

#5 Track things in Real-Time!

Wherever possible you need to track your Emails through real time, allowing you to know at a glance as soon as someone engages with your content. This kind of information is vital and allows you to study client spending habits and modify your marketing accordingly. It also allows you to cut targetted deals in the future. Just like Email Analytics, this kind of information has become essential for staying ahead of the game. So if you want to make it in the world of Email Marketing you would do well to employ a professional company who can organize all of this on your behalf – and we can help. Even if you aren’t interested in Email Marketing Solutions – bookmark us anyway. You never know what helpful hints and tips we are going to come up with next!

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